Thursday, August 14, 2008

Chalakudi is the new Trivandrum

Russia is at war with Georgia and whenever I hear about some border skirmish or unrest , I open up a map of some sort to figure out the geo-political situation and the resultant socio-economic impact :)

So I opened google maps and while studying the Georgian boundary line, my eyes wandered to India. I was pleased to notice that Google has correctly marked all the important Indian cities with their poiltically correct names like Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bengaluru and CHALAKUDI!!!

To me, Chalakudi is a small railway station to get down at if the ticket collector did not wake you up at Trichur and the irate passenger whose berth you are sleeping in nudges you out of your slumber. But apparently, to Google, it is the most important city in Kerala.


BRN said...

You are right here. when you are looking for places of interest, all the small unknown restaurants pop up. For example, 'Hotel Gay' of Calicut is not even on the map... - Bipin

One Who Nets The Dot said...

:D Wasn't it 'Gaylord' ?

Rekha said...

its amazing... when i saw the georgia in google article, first thing i did is search for india... and i was shocked to see that Chalakudi is the key city in Kerala!