Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Married now.

And that is my excuse for not blogging. The wedding was a great experience. I have realized that getting married in India is a stress free affair. At least, in my family. I had a whole bunch of cousins,uncles,aunts,parents,brother and a friend to help me out.The involvement of the family is so much and so welcome that it made me wish that I they would all re-locate to US. :)

I think the weddings in India,to people who conform to tradition, are a less bothersome affair than the ones in the U.S. Mostly because its very ritualistic in India Kerala and even the lunch menu(usually its the lunch) is 'culturally' fixed. This has an added benefit that at all weddings, irrespective of whether the bride and groom are rich or poor, you get the same food. Also, parents/uncles(in the almost extinct matriarchal system) play such a big role because it is actually the bride's dad/uncle who is sending her away with the groom. Now the flip side of this is that unlike in U.S the bride and groom dont really get to plan and 'customize' their marriage, neither do they get to decide on who and how many to invite to their wedding.

Now I look forward to a life with my D in US with the hope that we can build a network of family and friends here.


Anonymous said...

finally.... the married man gets time to blog :) once again, wish you a very happy married life :D

BRN said...

wish you a very happy married life...may god bless you with thousands of children, may you encounter the ocassional prosperity, may your wife let you drink and go out with your friends as always...

Anonymous said...

GoOd God she is beautiful! :) No wonder all was quiet!

Anonymous said...

me wish that I they would all re-locate to US

Obviously you aren't the first person to have this wish! Have you been down Oak Tree Road recently? ;^)