Monday, August 29, 2005

Penguins and Parenthood

I watched the movie:March of the Penguins recently. A well made documentary that I highly recommend. At the end of the movie, you have a new respect for the emperor penguin species and the national geographic team. The movie also makes you think and ask questions like why we (all the living beings in this planet) go to any extreme extent to ensure survival of our species. My friend Bipin also ponders over such existential /philosophical questions here!

Bipin is a recent dad and I believe that watching this particular movie may stop him from asking those questions. :)
As for me, I can only say that penguin sex must be quite awesome to go over all that trouble and sacrifice.
viva la penguins and whatever that means.


BRN said...

These penguins...don't they always come with an answer to these existential /philosophical questions...? that's what I like about them. I wish more animals were like them...

BRN said...

By the way...I didn't know you were into 'penguin sex' are a few movie recommendations for you- 'standing up on ice', and 'the emperor strikes in the back' (the second one is only good in 'parts')